About My Artworks
In my paintings informal aspects, cosmic snapshots and clearly identifiable landscapes melt into an inseparable unity.
Informality is all about giving free rein to colour. For me, this means leaving the will for form behind and relying first and foremost on the visionary power of colour.
I reach depth through several overlays of paint.
My paintings are about the processing of intense impressions and visions, of feelings and sensations.
The colours and forms do not tell about our visible world, but of a world that remains hidden to the eyes, but can be discovered by attentively looking.
The colours and shapes are not chosen by chance. Every colour tone and every hue has a meaning that results in a complex web of relationships, a whole cosmos.
Colours can be harmonious or inharmonious. Shapes can appear in rows or isolated.
Lines can be sweeping, chaotic, tender or aggressive. Colours can get dirty next to each other or make each other shine.